On July 1, 2008,the Florida Legislature required children receiving personal care services through the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community-Based Services Waiver to receive these services under the Medicaid State Plan. To ensure that individuals continue to receive the necessary personal care services, Medicaid has extended provider enrollment to allow unlicensed providers to furnish personal care services through the Medicaid State Plan.
The deadline for provider enrollment applications to Medicaid to provide this service is March 1, 2010. Local Medicaid area offices and local APD area offices are working together to ensure all current waiver providers of personal care services have an opportunity to enroll as Medicaid State Plan providers.
In order for agencies and groups to receive reimbursement for services, employees must become enrolled in the Medicaid program as an individual personal care provider, with their individual Medicaid identification number linked to the group's Medicaid provider number on the application.
Your local Medicaid area office is available to assist you with the enrollment process. Contact your local Medicaid area office for help with the enrollment process to ensure your application package is complete prior to submission. Incomplete application packages will be sent back to the applicant requesting additional documentation, prolonging the enrollment process. Visit http://ahca.myflorida.com/Medicaid/Areas/index.shmtl to obtain contact information for Medicaid area offices throughout Florida.
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