I am passing along an email I received yesterday from Autism Speaks. Please watch this video and pass it along on your Facebook or Twitter (the suggested posts are listed below).
September 18, 2012 - **NEW ADVOCACY VIDEO**
Help us reach 1 Million views!
Today we are launching a new video through our Advocacy Program: Autism Votes, to encourage voters to ask those seeking public office this fall how they will make a difference for those living with autism.
We are working hard to encourage ALL Americans to interact with candidates at every level to ask this question - at rallies, town halls, on-line through social media and in person. Every person living with autism has a whole army behind them - parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, therapists, physicians, teachers, etc. We need to tap into that potential this fall by letting everyone know what we need and want, how they can help and why autism is an important issue to us.
You can help us by taking a couple of minutes to watch the 60 second video below featuring people with autism, parents, siblings and teachers. Then help us spread the word to everyone you know to watch it and register at Autism Votes.
Here is How YOU Can Help:
1) WATCH THE VIDEO! You can see the video here on YouTube!
2) SHARE THE VIDEO AND ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO REGISTER WITH AUTISM VOTES THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA! Ask your friends & family to share it as well. If everyone can get 10 people to post this we will have 10 Million views in no time!
"Autism Speaks is working to make autism an unavoidable topic this fall for those who are seeking office. Please help me by watching this video below then registering for Autism Votes. Learn how you can make a difference for those living with autism today! Autism Votes - 11.6.12 because our 1 in 88 Can't Wait! Thanks!"
LINK TO: http://bit.ly/QX40NC (make sure you use the number 0 not the letter O)
How will YOU make a difference for those living with autism? http://bit.ly/QX40NC #AutismVotes2012 #autism #Election2012 PLS RT
3) READ THIS BLOG! Is Autism Political? Should It Be? - We think so and this is why. We realize that there are other important topics consuming our country right now with the economy, jobs and the environment, but that doesn’t mean that autism shouldn’t be part of our national discussion. Share this as well to help educate everyone you know.
America is still America - the best country in the world. Why? Because we can identify a problem, propose a solution and with hard work, we can change our circumstances.
Working together - we can change our status quo.
See how many YOU can activate today!
Shelley Hendrix
Director, Grassroots Development
Autism Speaks
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