Announcement from the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council
En Espanol:
We Want to Hear from You ... Are you someone with a developmental disability?
Do you have a family member with a developmental disability?
Do you provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities?
If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions, we want to hear from you. Why? Because every five years, the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council develops a state plan, which guides us in identifying solutions to better meet the needs of Floridians with developmental disabilities and their families.
We want to know what you think. We have created two surveys, one for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, and another for service providers. Please contribute to the development of the 2011-2016 state plan by providing your input. All responses will remain anonymous.
You can complete the survey in several ways:
1. Online: Click one of the surveys below that applies to you, complete it and then click Submit.
Survey for Individuals with a Developmental Disability and their Families
Survey for Providers
2. By mail: Call the Council Toll Free at 1-800-5800-7801 or
TDD Toll Free at 1-888-488-8633 and request a paper copy of the survey. When you receive it, complete the survey and return it to the Council in the self-addressed stamped envelope included with the survey. You can also fax the survey to the Council at 1-850-922-6702.
3. By phone: Call the Council Toll Free at 1-800-580-7801, or TDD Toll Free at 1-888-488-8633, and ask to speak with Council staff to respond to the survey.
4. E-mail: If you would like an electronic copy of the survey, please call the Council, Toll Free, 800-580-7801 or TDD Toll Free, 888-488-8633.
We urge everyone to complete a survey, and pass this information along to anyone else who might be interested in providing the input to the Council.
If you need this survey in large print or Braille, or if you have questions, please call the Council Toll Free at 1-800-580-7801, or TDD Toll Free at 1-888-488-8633.
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